Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Etsy Sighting: Multiple Personality

Sara Harvey works in various media and styles. She paints, makes adorable plushies, designs, illustrates, and even hunts zombies on the side. I'm venturing to guess that this is why she has chosen to title her Etsy shop Multiple Personality. I'm featuring her work because BTs frequently wander their way into her both flat and slightly squishy pieces.
(She does not currently have any of these BT Plushies in stock, but you could inquire via Etsy convo to see if she will have more available.)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Book Sighting: Photojojo!

Boston Terriers seem to be popular with the crafty crowd. I'm not alone in this observation. My second book feature is thus appropriately another craft book.

Photojojo! published by Potter Craft includes projects and ideas to both enliven your photos and the ways in which you display and share them. Learn how to make household objects into unique photo stands and how to transfer photos onto such things as cupcakes, walls, and even your own skin (temporarily). One of the methods suggested to get some interesting perspectives is the doggie cam which involves attaching a camera to your canine friend. In this case, that camera is manned (dogged?) by none other than a Mugsy dog:
This particular BT also makes appearances throughout the book, for example in this awesome little accordion album, so keep your eyes peeled!